9 UNISEX SCARVES 100% Hand-woven Single ply Cashmere, Narrow vertical stripes and horizontal pattern
This season we are supporting more of the local artisans whose sales have plummeted since the onset of Covid - not being able to partecipate in local markets has had a severe impact on many of our friends who work from home
So, each and every woven and knitted accessory is just a little bit different from the others - each of our artisans has a unique style, and each has his or her own loom, so results are frequenlty unexpected and small discrepancies are to be expected
These super- soft, woven, scarves are available in several patterns, and a selection of natural colors to ensure that they are wearable in all sorts of situations, and 'classic' enough not to go out of style
Available in the following color combinations: Cream/Chocolate, Cream/dark gey, Cream/Champagne. Please check the photos posted, as what is in stock varies frequently
Each measures approximately 45 cm x 225cm or 16" x 87" and weighs 164 grams (3 ounces) Due to the different weavers and their own unique styles, sizes may vary so please see the descriptions
Note to foreign clients – the cost of shipping 1 scarf or shawl is the same as shipping 3, and we will pay ALL shipping costs for orders of more than 500,00
100% CASHMERE SCIARPA UNISEX in diversi disegni e colori
Due fili 100% Cashmere tessuti a mano per creare una sciarpa calda ma non voluminosa per chi vuole caldo senza ingombro. Le nostre tessitrici lavorano ognuno in modo leggermente diverso e su telai diversi, percui l'articolo finito può variare a secondo dell'artigiana che la produce
Misure: 45 x 225cm Peso: 160 grammi
In Italia il prezzo e' IVA esclusa, che viene calcolato in fattura, mentre la spedizione sul terittorio nazionale e' gratuito